Archive | July 2012

Smile, You’re on Jeffery Camera!

Enjoy these photos from Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN. What a great place to spend an afternoon while learning about the history that surrounds this Scenic City.

Whether it’s just for a picnic, some hiking or taking in a history lesson, Chattanooga is a great place for it all. Over the past 25 years, there has been a revitalization of the downtown Riverfront area.  There is so much shopping to do, things to see and places to eat.

The next time you’re in Chattanooga, stop and visit for a while!

First stop – The Chattanooga Choo-Choo




Next stop: Point Park, Lookout Mountain








There’s so much to do around the Scenic City including shopping, wonderful places to eat and there’s always a Lookouts game, the IMAX and Science Museum, Ruby Falls, Rock City and so much more!

Garden Delights–Potted Herbs

Just a little update on how the potted herbs are doing.  We’ve had a great deal of rain lately which has helped to alleviate watering so much.  And it’s a good thing!


With the Sweet Basil growing this well, I need to get me some fresh mozzarella and make a margherita pizza! The tomatoes are starting to come in, too. So I can’t wait to try out a new pizza crust recipe!


Catnip – this is my first time growing it. I can’t wait to design and make kitty toys for my little feline “children” and know that there is nothing funky in these herbs since I don’t put any pesticides on my plants!



My seedling marigolds are growing well.  These are from seeds I picked from last year’s crop of marigolds.  It’s amazing to me just how many seed pods I was able to collect and now see the results.


The Parsley is growing so well, that I’m dreaming of recipes to make using it. Last weekend I make guacamole, Cyn style, and used cuttings of the parsley in it. It was absolutely delicious! And our cousins that were visiting, ate it all in minutes!


I planted more parsley just to see if they would grow. Since it was so hot, many people told me it was too  late.  I guess my question was answered!


When my little allow plant grew too big for the little pot it was in, I transplanted it to a larger pot. It promptly died. But my past experience told me to let it be. Once the weather became hot enough, I put it outside and now, it has come back! I’m so excited. Aloe is so good for so many things. I like to use it for kitchen burns, skin rashes and I even like to take a frond and scrape out the gooey goodness into a fresh smoothie every now and then.

Happy Summer and Happy Gardening!

Introducing…Shy Bunny Creations

Shy Bunny LOGO

From an early age, I’ve had a thing for beads and bobbles. And though years have flown by, that “thing” hasn’t waned one bit! That’s why I think you need to meet my friend, Heather (aka Bunny), at Shy Bunny Creations.

The first time I met this sweet, friendly Kentuckian transplant, she seemed so shy. But once I got to know her, creativity just seeps out of her pores! Heather has a love of everything creative: crafting, cooking and baking, hula hooping, her family of pets and camping. She is not only a gamer, but collects vintage fashions from the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

Her love of vintage doesn’t end there, though. This interest in vintage includes music and films. And one of her favorite things to do is creating beautiful jewelry for anyone else who shares the same love of beads.

Like many girls, Heather loves to wear pretty jewelry and enjoys how it can finish off an outfit or add whimsy to an outfit taking it from great to Fun and Fabulous!


Having a hectic busy lifestyle makes it difficult to fit in time for relaxation.  But not for this Shy Bunny. Heather says that making these bracelets is therapeutic for her. When asked what made her choose this style of bracelet, she says, “I saw this style once and wondered if I could do it.”


Made of glass and semi-precious beads, these beautiful leather bracelets are perfect for dressing up that jean and t-shirt for a day at the mall, glam out for a day at the beach or worn every day at the office!


In addition to glass beads, some of the semi-precious beads that Heather likes to use include Jade, Agate, Turquoise, Howlite, Jasper, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Cherry Quartz, Coral and my favorite, Blue Lapis. The Blue Lapis has little gold flecks all through them! her leathers come in many different colors and coming soon for her Vegan friends, eco-leather, made from cotton!


Heather will be adding necklaces and pendants soon, too.  You can request custom made pieces from Heather through her Facebook page if you click here: Shy Bunny Creations.


Every time I wear my bracelet, it makes me think of Heather and how much love she put into it! You won’t regret buying one of these from her. They are made of high quality materials and made with so much love.

Bracelet - Blue Lapis068

Here are a few of her other designs. Surprise the girl in your life today! Each item comes in an eco-friendly box with Shy Bunny’s mark and are shipped wrapped with care.





Shopping is easy, find Shy Bunny Creations by clicking this link: Shy Bunny Creations.

Leaving a Legacy

I really thought this was an excellent reminder to us all. Kenneth Todd shares from his heart.It’s a gentle reminder that we are what our children mirror. It is very important what we are teaching and not teaching them…. Enjoy this post! I sure did. And thanks to Kenneth Todd for the insight. I just had to share it.

Project 365 by Kenneth Todd

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